Fufu Cuban Vegetable
This is how my Mom used to make our Fufu... We had a similar dish in Nigeria (there they substituted the cracklings with bits of fried bacon --still ....

Mashed plantain ---- Vegetable
pure mustard oil could be replaced with pure butter. Pickled peppers could be added more than stated here or not be added at all. This could be given....

Plaintain Sauteed ---- Vegetable
Plantain is a regulating food. It keeps body water in check ( good for weight control) blood circulation normal, and removes excess mucus. Good for i....

Fried Ripe Plantains Cuban Vegetable

plantain cake Caribbean Cakes
although you wouldnt guess it from the ingredients this tastes just like a normal sweet cake with a really gingery kick - and compared to a normal cak....


Tostones - Fried Green Plantains Cuban Vegetable

Platanos Dulces Fritos - Fried Sweet Plantains Cuban Vegetable

Ripe Plantain Soup Cuban Soup

Sancocho de Cola Colombian Soup

Golden Plantains Puerto Rican Vegetable