Plantain is a regulating food. It keeps body water in check ( good for weight control) blood circulation normal, and removes excess mucus. Good for immune balance and liver function.


  • Plaintain is the raw green banana which is used as a vegetable.
  • Plantain-----long 1
  • turmeric powder----1/2 tsp
  • salt -------- 1/4 tsp
  • asaefotida powder----1/5 tsp
  • mustard powder---------1/4 tsp
  • Canola oil or any oil for shallow frying.
  • A large bowl of cold water to keep the cut plantains.


In the bowl of cold water sprinkle some turmeric powder and stir to dissolve.
Wash the plantain well by scrubbing under running tap water.
Before cutting raw plantain apply some cooking oil to your palms and fingers. This will keep them from satining with a resin that comes out of cut end of plantain.
Lay the plantain on the cutting board. Cut a little of both ends and discard.
Then cut into 6 inch pieces so that each is easy to handle.
Then take each piece and remove the green peel and discard.
As you remove the peel from each piece throw each piece in the large bowl with water.
After peeling off all pieces then take each piece out of the water and cut into thin slices.
Put the slices back into the water bowl.
In a large enough skillet placed over medium heat put about two tablespoons of oil.
When the oil heats up remove the slices out of the water with fingers and add to the oil.
Take care to see that hot oil does not splash on your body.
Stir and let fry for 3 minutes.
Then sprinkle all the powders and salt.
Stir and let fry for 2 minutes.
Lower heat.
Then sprinkle a little water with your hand and cover the skillet.
Let cook on low heat for 3 minutes
Remove cover and stir to mix . If you feel the plantain needs more cooking then sprinkle more water and cover.
To test for softness just press a spoon on one of the slices. If it mashes easily then it is done. Remove and serve either with fish and some rice or tortilla.
Can be eaten also with the similar sized pasta.

About 5-6 slices / person. contains high fiber, potassium, vitamin B

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Submitted 6/13/05.
Source: Original
Submitted By: Ruth Ray
Plaintain Sauteed