I have never made this and just copied it out of a cookbook. In the Philippines you can purchase Ensaimadas in all the bakeshops.


  • 2tsps. yeast
  • half tsps sugar
  • three fourths cup lukewarm water
  • 1 cup bread flour
  • Half cup lukewarm evaporated milk


Measure into bowl lukewarm water. Sprinle yeast over water. Stir until dissolved. Stir in lukewarm evaporated milk, sugar and flour. Mix with wooden spoon until smooth. Cover bowl with a clean towel. Set the bowl into a pan of warm water until the mixture doubles in size (about 20-25 minutes).

5 egg yolks(plus 1 egg white), beaten
2 cups bread flour
one fourth cup sugar

Mix the beaten yolks, sugar and flour. Beat well. Add to the above mixture. Knead and shape into a ball. Cover and let rise again in a pan of warm water until double in bulk (30-40minutes).


5 egg yolks (plus 1 egg white) beaten
three fourths cup creamed butter
2 cups bread flour
half cup sugar
2 cups grated edam or gouda cheese

When above dough is double in volume, add beaten egg yolks and white sugar, flour and creamed butter. Mix. Place in a greased board. Knead until satiny and smooth (about 10 minutes). Shape into smooth ball. Place ball of dough into greased bowl. Cover and let rise double in size (40-60 minutes). Punch down. Divide the dough into seperate pieces. Roll each piece thinly on a greased board. Spread butter and sprinkle grated cheese on rolled out dough. Starting from one end twist to form a cone. Grease molds and put in the twisted dough. Cover and let rise in a pan of warm water until dough has doubled (about 40-60 minutes. Remove from baking molds and let cool for 5 minutes. Top with creamed butter, sugar and grated cheese(if preferred sprinkle with more sugar).

I do not know of its nutritional values

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Submitted 6/13/05.
Source: cookbook
Submitted By: Edward Litton
Ensaimada Philippine Style