
  • 1 large field mushroom per person
  • thickly slices of ripe tomato
  • < tespoon finely chopped fresh Greek Oragano, plus
  • 1/4 teaspoon finely chopped fresh sage, mixed together.
  • 1/4 cup grated tasty cheese
  • 1/2 teaspoon Balamic vinegar.


wipe mushrooms, caps clean with a clean cloth. do not peel.
preheat oven to 180:C ( 350:F)
Place m/rooms onto an oven slide. cap side down.
sprinkle with the mixed chopped herbs, then top with some of the grated cheese. a light sprinkle of Balsamic vinegar)few drops per m/room).

now a slice of tomato, finally top off, with the remaining cheese, light sprinkling Salt& Pepper.
place in preheated oven until m/rooms are tender when tested w/- a skewer ( about 30 minutes,

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Submitted 6/13/05.
Source: dee's cooling & recipe swap site
Submitted By: Lee.M Kaye
Angel's Stuffed mushrooms