This is about as original as baked macaroni and cheese can get! The copyrights on the cookbook are 1931, 1937!


  • 1 Cup cooked macaroni
  • 1 cup soft bread crumbs
  • 1 tsp chopped onion
  • 1 cup grated cheese
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 2 eggs, well beaten
  • 1 tsp chopped green pepper
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • salt, petter and paprika


Combine all ingredients. Season to taste. Pour into a well-oiled baking dish. Set in pan of warm water. Bake in moderate oven (375 degrees F) about 45 minutes.

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Submitted 7/23/07.
Source: Searchlight Recipe Book - 1942 Printing
Submitted By: Susan White
Baked Macaroni & Cheese