
  • - 3 eggs
  • - 2 cups milk
  • - 1-1/2 cups flour
  • - 1-1/2 teas. salt
  • - 2 teas. sugar
  • - 4 tblsp melted butter


1 - Combine all ingredients except melted butter. Add melted butter last. Let melted butter cool a little before adding so it doesn't cook the eggs.

2 - Butter Swedish panake pan. Pour batter in pan and cook over low-medium heat. Pancakes only take a minute or so on each side. Re-butter pan and repeat process.

3 - Note: Pancakes freeze very well.

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Submitted 6/1/06.
Source: DesktopCookbook
Submitted By: Kristi Linquist
Swedish Pancakes