
  • 6 egg yolks, 2 teas salt,1 cup sugar, 4 oz butter softened, 1 teas vanilla, 2 tabls whiskey, 1 teas baking soda, 7 cups sifted flour, 1 pint sour cream, shortening for deep frying, powdered sugar


Beat the egg yolks and salt for 10 minutes. Gradually add sugar. Beat in the butter, vanilla, whiskey and baking soda. Alternately add the flour andsour cream. Mix well. Roll out thin, then cut into rectangles 1 1/2x4 inches. Cut a slit down the center of each rectangle and weave one end through. Deep fry the cookies about 6 at a time in hot shortening(about 350 degrees) until golden. Drain on paper towels, cool and dust with powered sugar before serving.

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Submitted 6/13/05.
Source: Polish Touches REcipies and Traditions
Submitted By: Patricia Weslock
Bowties (chrusciki)