
  • 1 Tbsp. fat of your choice (butter, oil, or pan drippings, etc.)
  • 1 Tbsp. flour
  • 1 cup liquid of your choice (milk, water, beef or chicken broth, etc.)


Heat 1 tbsp. of the fat of your choice in skillet over medium-high heat. Add 1 tbsp. flour, stirring constantly. Continue stirring until flour is completely mixed with oil (or butter or pan drippings). Keep stirring until flour mixture begins to brown. While continuing to stir, very slowly pour in liquid (milk, water, or broth). When liquid is thoroughly stirred in, turn down heat to medium-low and let simmer, stirring occasionally, until gravy is the consistency you want.

If you want the gravy thinner, add more liquid, stir, and continue simmering.

If you want the gravy thicker, add about 1 tbsp. flour to a coffee cup of VERY hot water, stirring until flour is thoroughly dissolved. Pour this mixture slowly into the gravy, stir well, and simmer, stirring often.

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Submitted 6/13/05.
Source: Teresa Johnson
Submitted By: Teresa Johnson