
  • Makes 2 dozen (24 servings).
  • 1 (18.5 ounce) package chocolate cake mix
  • 2 (16 ounce) packages vanilla frosting
  • 3/4 cup chocolate sandwich cookie crumbs
  • 24 chocolate covered graham cracker cookies


1 Prepare and bake cake mix according to package
directions for cupcakes.
2 In a medium bowl stir 1 package of frosting with the cookie crumbs. Frost cooled cupcakes.
3 Fill a pastry bag, fitted with a plain tip, with remaining white frosting. Write R.I.P. on each chocolate covered graham cracker cookie. Stand a decorated cookie on top of each cupcake so that it looks like a tombstone. Place the
cupcakes on a large cookie sheet that has been covered with green paper. Place paper ghosts and bats randomly through the graveyard. Serve!

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Submitted 6/13/05.
Source: Allrecipes
Submitted By: Meryl
Cupcake Graveyard