This recipe comes to us from Ancient Roman times.
- 1=lbs boneles baby lamb 2 ozs Pama ham OR unsmoked back bacon
- 1 smal onion
- 2 stalks celery
- 20mls unsalted butter
- 20ml olive oil
- 150mls dry white wine
- 150mls chicken stock or water a few sprigs fresh parsley
- a sptig oregano
- 4 teaspons lemon juice
- 2 large eg yolks
- 30mls choped parsey - garnish
- salt
- freshly ground black pepper
diacard any from mlamb. FAT THEN CUT INTO LARGE SIZED cubes.
cut ham or bacon into strips.
finely chop the vegetables.
Tiestemsofparsley oregano, together with kitchen twine..
Add About 1/3 of lamb, so cubes lie in a single layer, without touching each other - fry until golden on all sides.
rREmove mestwith a salotted spoon.
COLOUR EMAINING LAMB IN TWO BATCHES, remove lamb with slotted spoon, when all sides are golden. adding remaining butter and oil, gently fry ham or bacon, return mest to the casserole add stock or water plus tied herbs. stir in wine and bring to a boil reduce heat slightly and simmer for 10 minutes ,uncovered until the liquid reduces considerabely
ad the stock or water, the bunch herbs and a good grinding of pepper.
reduce heat to as low as posible, cover and cook for 45 minutes, stiring the meat ocasionaly.
lightly beat lemonjuice and egg yolks and choped parsley together. stir in a few sponsfull of liquid from caserole then stir mixture into caserole
stir continuously until sauce thickens
. kEEP temperature below boiling point or sauce will curdle. REMOVE BUNCH OF HERBS.
season to taste and PS>. we didn't use the wine but substituted extra chicken stock.
WE had this for tea a couple of nights ago, it is truly delicious,
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Submitted 6/13/05.
Source: COOkbook
Submitted By: Lee.M Kaye
abacchio brodettto