
  • This may be what you are looking for
  • Fladchen:
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 tsp. minced parsley,(optional)
  • butter for frying


Sift flour into mixing bowl. Beat egg with salt and water and pour into bowl with flour. Beat until batter is smooth, thin and absolutely free of lumps. Add parsley, if using it, and stir through. Melt about 1 tsp butter in an 8-inch skillet and when bubbling, but not brown, pour in 2 Tbs. of batter. Tip and rotate pan so batter covers bottom in a thin even layer. Do this quickly, as batter will set almost as soon as poured. Let batter cook until golden brown on one side, turn over and brown on the other. Remove from the pan and put on a rack or cloth to cool. Continue making little pancakes in this way until the batter is used up, adding more butter as needed. Do not let pan get too hot. This amount of batter should make 5 or 6 thin 6" pancakes. When they are cool enough to handle, roll each one tightly, jelly-roll fashion, and cut across into thin julienne slices. To serve, put Fladchen in soup plate or cup and ladle chicken or beef broth over them.

For 6 servings of soup

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Submitted 6/13/05.
Source: My files
Submitted By: Eileen Werth
Pancake Strips (Fladchen