
  • Clean a pigs head and soak in brine for a few days. Before using, wash in clean cold water. Boil until the meat drops from the bone. Strain and reserve this stock in which the head was cooked. In a separate saucepan cook the pigs liver, heart and tongue, until very tender. Strain and add this second stock to the first reserved stock; add to it 6 black peppercorns, and an equal number of whole cloves, and boil until it is reduced to one pint. Strain again, add 1 cupful of good vinegar and reheat.


In the meantime, chop the meat or put it through a mincer, add seasoning of chopped onions or sage if desired. Add salt and pepper if needed. Pack into stone crocks, pour the stock over it, cover with a plate, weight down well, cover with a cloth and set aside for a week before using.

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Submitted 6/13/05.
Source: A Shropshire recipe
Submitted By: Eileen Werth