So Easy! And believe me, it's a feast to your eyes and taste-buds. Thankx.


  • *1 Fresh Iceberg Lettuce (Size: Middle to Large)
  • *70 -- 100 g. ham, chopped or shredded
  • [ SAUCE ]
  • *1 Cup Chicken Stock (To use 1 cube + 180 ml.water is OK)
  • *1 Fresh Egg White, (well-beaten)
  • [ Seasonings ]
  • salt, WHITE pepper, WHITE DRY wine or Sake,
  • Olive Oil, (optional) MSG


(1) Fill a large Chinese wok with water,
(2) Add olive oil, salt, and (optional) MSG.
(3) Wash lettuce & cut with a knife (or with hands)
(4) Put the lettuce into the BOILING water,
for no more than 20 seconds.
(5)[SAUCE]--Heat chicken stock, add ham, salt, pepper,
wine, then,
(6) mix 1 tabelespoon arrowroot powder with
same amount of water well. Add to the soup,
keep stirring. Add egg-white, stir for 30-40 seconds.
(7) On a large plate, arrange lettuce, then top with
the creamy sauce.

As I am not used to writing cooking instruction in English, feel free to e-mail me to ask any questions. Though I did not do any scientific research, I can say with confidence that: * lettuce, unless overcooked, shall maintain 60-70% of its vitamin. * egg white is a great source of protein, without much fat/cholesterol. * always add salt and oil when parboiling leaf vegetables so their color, texture, nutrition, and TASTE will improve. * MSG is optional, yet it is a fact that few, if any, Chinese restaur

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Submitted 6/13/05.
Source: Original
Submitted By: Satsuo Matsumoto

Iceberg Lettuce Topped With Snow-White Sauce