
  • 1/3 C butter
  • 1/4 C finely minced onion
  • 1/2 C chopped celery (stalks and leaves)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 1 tsp dried sage, thyme, or marjoram
  • 4 C coarse bread crumbs or cubes
  • Poultry seasoning to taste
  • Turkey or chicken broth


Melt butter in large heavy skillet. Add onion and celery and cook until onion is yellow, stirring occasionally. Turn into deep bowl and stir in seasonings; add bread and toss lightly. For dry stuffing, add little or no liquid. For moist stuffing, mix in lightly with fork just enough hot broth to moisten dry crumbs. (do not add liquid for the part that will actually go into the turkey; that will be plenty moist.) Cool and place stuffing in bird when ready to bake. Makes 1 quart. (This is listed as being for a 4 lb bird, so double, triple, 4x the recipe as needed.)

Variations: Add Sauteed chopped mushrooms, the cooked giblets, chopped, or 1 cup chopped drained oysters.

For Sausage stuffing, add 1/3 lb bulk sausage, crumbled and browned; omit salt.

For Cornbread stuffing (a personal favorite), use crumbled corn bread or muffins for half the bread.
I cook most of it, wrapped in heavy duty foil, the last half hour of roasting the turkey. Also, I use the giblets and neck to make the broth

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Submitted 6/13/05.
Source: Betty Crocker's Good and Easy
Submitted By: Pam Allen
Bread Stuffing