
  • 4-6 pound rib roast, figure 3/4-1 pound per serving
  • salt/pepper


Because prime rib has so much flavor simple is best. Put your roast fat side up in a large roasting pan. Set your oven to 325 degrees. Salt and pepper your roast and cook for 34-38 minutes per pound for medium doneness. If you choose a larger roast (6-8 lbs.) figure 27-30 minutes per pound. Be sure you cook the roast uncovered. Let the roast stand for 15 minutes before carving, it will be much easier. Serve with gravy made from the pan drippings and a traditional addition is yorkshire pudding.

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Submitted 6/13/05.
Source: my files
Submitted By: Sheila Nelson
Prime Rib Roast