Title: Chocolate Mousse Pie
Type: Pies
Description: My great-uncle was a chef in New York. When he visited with us he would make a Chocolate Mousse Pie. He passed away suddenly and no one knows the recipe he used. I am looking for a similar recipe. I don't know if the pie was baked or refigerated. The pie was done with a baked crust. It was very, very, very, rich but still light and fluffy. The pie only had a chocolate taste meaning no coffee or other flavors. My mother believes he used cream cheese in the recipe. The pie was very thick, taller than sides of the dish. He would make several and we would freeze the left overs. If anyone has a similar recipe I would very much appreciate it. Thank you in advance for your time and information.
Requested by: Shanan Welch
Replies so far:
French Silk Pie with Gay's Pie Crust
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