
  • Banannas
  • Strawberries
  • Orange Juice
  • Optional:
  • Nonfat Vanilla Yogurt
  • Nonfat Vanilla Ice Cream
  • Skim Milk
  • Peaches


Basically to make fruit smoothies you can throw anything that pleases your palate in a blender. Depending on what I have in the house is what I tend to throw in the blender. One thing that I do do, is when my banannas are ripe I peel them and put them in zip lock baggies in the freezer. This makes my drinks icey and thick. The milk of course is used in lieu of o.j.. Sometimes I will just blend frozen bananna and orange juice. Like I said, just throw whatever you like in.

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Submitted 6/13/05.
Source: My Files
Submitted By: R. Guadalupi
Fruit Smoothie