I found this recipe here...http://www.hungrybrowser.com/phaedrus/m0912M05.htm#2 as I have been searching high and low for a recipe for Pismaniye. I don't mind buying it- but living in the US and tracking this stuff down has become as complicated as learning how to make it. There are plenty of you tube flicks showing how to twist and make the strands, but this is the best/closest recipe I could find with ingredients and instructions (sort of). I'll post anything else I can find- as this is 90% there... just missing the wheat meal, butter and vanilla!


  • Dragon Hair Candy
  • Ingredients :
  • 75g Desiccated coconut
  • 75g White sugar
  • 75g Pistachio
  • 38g White sesame
  • 150g Corn syrup (white Karo)
  • 1 bowl flour


Method :
(1) Bring corn syrup to boil over mild heat for 5 mins until thick. Put into refrigerator for 4 hours.
(2) Dig a hole in the middle of corn syrup & coat with flour.
(3) Stretch along the hole, when it becomes a big ring make it to figure 8 shapes like 2 small rings and put 2 rings together. Repeat till it's like silk.
(4) Grate the pistachios, mix it with sesame & sugar.
(5) Cut the silk sugar into pieces, wrap it with mixed pistachios.

Really fattening, full of sugar and pretty much the best dessert on this planet!

Print this recipe

Submitted 3/26/10.
Source: Uncle Phaedrus' recipe
Submitted By: Carrie U
Try this recipe- it's for Dragon Hair Candy, but should be close