I'm now living in Japan and have always wanted to try one of these curry doughnut. Unfortunately most of it used meat so I had to make them on my own ( I can't eat non-halal meat ) The tip of frying the doughnut is to make sure that the oil is not too hot or you'll get the brown surface but the inside left uncooked. ( but don't let the heat be too small- I guess medium heat would be just nice ;-) )


  • (For doughnut)
  • 500g flour
  • 6g active dry yeast
  • 30g powdered milk
  • 5g salt
  • 90g margarine
  • 1 egg
  • 30g sugar
  • 170ml water (depending on flour)
  • (For the Filling- Dry Chicken Curry)
  • 1 green onion, diced
  • 3 large potatoes, diced
  • 50g minced chicken
  • 2 tablespoon of curry powder
  • 2 egg yolks
  • salt,sugar and pepper to taste


(For doughnut)
1. Mix dry ingredients into mixer bowl and set to mixer. Add in margarine and egg. Mix evenly.
2. Disolve sugar in lukewarm water. Add into dough mixture and knead until dough begins to smooth out and pulling off from the bowl.
3. Place dough in a clean bowl, wrap in a clean plastic bag and let dough to proof in a slightly heated oven until twice the original size. (Usually about 45mins to 1 hour or so )

(For the Filling- Dry Chicken Curry)
1. Fry diced onion at medium heat until the onions starts to fragrant( be careful not to burn the onions!) Add in diced potatoes and fry a bit more.
2. Add in minced chicken and fry until the chicken starts to cook.
3. Add in curry powder and a tablespoon of water incase the onions&potatoes are too dry. Mix well until oil starts to turn redish. Then add in the egg yolks, salt,sugar and pepper to taste. Don't rush when making this filling cause you'd might end up with a burnt curry filling instead of a dried curry filling
4. Remove from heat and leave to cool.

After preparing the doughnut and filling this is what you do:

Step 1 : Punch down dough to release gas and devide into small portions of about 40-50g each. Roll out each portion.

Step 2 : Fill in with dried chicken curry filling.

Step 3: Make sure to cover up the end of the balled up dough nicely

Step 4: Leave to proof for 20 minutes

Step 5: Brush top of dough with water and cover with bread crumbs.

Step 6: Preheat oil and deep fry until golden brown.

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Submitted 5/3/06.
Submitted By: Zakiah Abdullah
Curry Filled Doughnuts