
  • Ingredients:
  • For 4 servings as a first course:
  • 8 very fresh sardine filets
  • 1/4 c. fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 c. extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 t. salt
  • Fresh ground pepper
  • 2 t. fresh marjoram flowers, chopped, or 3/4 t. dried
  • 2 t. minced fresh oregano or 3/4 t. dried
  • 2 T. minced fresh parsley
  • A few flakes red pepper
  • Generous grinding of black pepper
  • 1 T. + 1 t. capers, rinsed and drained
  • Lettuce leaves and/or fennel-red onion salad, chervil sprigs, and cherry tomato halves for garnish


Inspect the sardine filets carefully. You won't be able to remove the hair-fine bones embedded in the flesh that you can feel with your fingers, but it doesn't matter as they are too fine to be a bother in the mouth. Carefully clean off any traces of entrails or other debris from the inside. Wash the skin carefully, rubbing off the large scales with your fingers. Blot filets dry on paper towels.

Combine all the other ingredients except capers and garnish. Place the filets in a small shallow bowl and pour the marinade over them. Refrigerate for several hours or overnight, turning the filets often.

To serve, arrange on a bed of garden leaves, accompanied or not by fennel-red onion salad. Drizzle a bit of the marinade over the filets, sprinkle with capers, and garnish with cherry tomato halves and a sprig of chervil.

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Submitted 9/10/05.
Source: Internet
Submitted By: merstar unicorn

Marinated fresh sardine filets (Filets de sardines mariné a l'huile