Do not dispair if the first time it does not come the right way or if you have a problem when you turn it! Believe me, it works!


  • Potatoes 2
  • Eggs 3
  • Parsley 1/4 of a regular bunch
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Scallions
  • Salt and pepper


Cut potatoes into slices 1/4 each, cut those pieces in halves. Dry potatoes with paper towels. Put olive oil in a medium frying pan ( so you can stir the potatoes), let oil heat. Add the cut potatoes and let them cook covering and un-covering them until they are soft brown. Beat tree eggs, and the garlic chopped very thinly as well as the parsley and the scallions. When the potatoes are done arrange them evenly in the frying pan and put the eggs mixture. Use a Teflon pan. When one side is cooked (you will be able to move the "omelete" easily, cover the pan with a plate or cover the size of frying pan and carefully turn the tortilla up-side down. Put it back into the frying pan and let it cooked for about 3 to 5 minutes or until the omelete is freed from the pan. Let it cool and cut in small squares of triangles and you will end up with a really good "tapas". You may have to practice a few times. You do not want a thin omelete, you want a tortilla approximately 1 1/2 inches thick. Decorate with Spanish olives and give it more color with slices of red pepper. It can be eaten hot or cold. We usually take it for picnics. You can add mayonese too!

Simply delicious!

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Submitted 6/13/05.
Source: My family
Submitted By: Maria-Luisa Vallejo
Tortilla de Papas a la Espanola