Wild rice goes further than regular rice. There are many variations...wild rice for game, herbed wild rice, rice with ham...


  • i cup wild rice
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2-3 TBS melted butter or margarine


Wash rice well in strainer under cold running water. Place in a heavy saucepan with water and salt, cover, and bring to boil over moderate heat. Uncover, and boil gently, without stirring, about 35 minutes until JUST TENDER. Drain, set uncovered on lowest possible heat (an abestos flame-tamer is handy), and dry 5 minutes shaking pan occasionally. Mix in butter with a fork and serve. NOTE: To keep warm set in the top of a double boiler, cover, and set over simmering water. Don't try to keep warm for more than 20 minutes or the lovely crisp texture will be lost.

Makes 4-6 servings. About 220 calories for each for each opf four servings, or 150 for each of six servings.

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Submitted 6/13/05.
Source: the doubleday cookbook
Submitted By: tc c
Basic Boiled Rice