*I've also put the peanuts in my crockpot overnight with excellent results. **For spicy peanuts, use Tony's or any cajun seasoning in the water, some additional salt may be necessary depending on what cajun seasoning you use. It does take ALOT of cajun seasoning to make the peanuts spicy!


  • *Living on the Alabama/Georgia border, boiling peanuts is a weekly occurance around here.
  • green peanuts (not raw peanuts, there's a big difference)
  • salt
  • water


I usually do about 3-5 lbs of peanuts at a time in a 12 qt. stock pot, and I don't measure the salt. Boiled peanuts are supposed to be VERY SOFT & SALTY. Cooking time will vary, but count on at least 6 hours of cooking time. After about 4 hours you can taste one to see how they are coming along, and add more salt if desired.
Start with 1/2 cup of salt, add enough water to fill pot about halfway & bring to a boil. Add peanuts and stir. If necessary add more water to cover peanuts. Peanuts will float until they start absorbing the salt water, so they won't really be covered, but you'll be able to stir them around in the pot. Cover pot and reduce heat enough so they stay at a low boil. About once an hour, stir peanuts and if necessary add a little more water. Once peanuts are soft enough for you, turn off heat & let them soak in the salt water. This soaking helps them absorb the salt. You can leave them in the water & just scoop out as much as you want to eat at that time, then when you've had your fill, put the rest in a ziploc baggie & freeze. To use the frozen peanuts, just fill a pot with salt water & boil til hot (usually only takes 10-20 minutes).

****Don't worry about adding too much salt! If peanuts are too salty for your taste, you can reboil them in plain water for about 10 minutes, this reduces the salt in the peanuts. It's easier to get them less salty tasting than it is to get them salty enough.

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Submitted 6/13/05.
Source: tried and true
Submitted By: Jan
Boiled Peanuts