
  • 2 C. flour
  • 1 C sweet cream
  • 1 yeast cake
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1/4 lb beef marrow or butter
  • 1 small glass wine
  • 1 T. sugar
  • Filling:
  • 1 lb. ground beef
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 t. flour
  • 2 hard cooked eggs
  • salt & pepper
  • 1/2 C. water


Dough: Break yeast into cream. Add other ingredients and knead to a firm dough. Roll thin, cut into rounds and fill with filling. Fold over and seal edges. Fry in butter.
NOTE: My mother used to boil these first, then brown in butter.

Brown beef in butter. Saute onion to a golden brown. Chop eggs and mix lightly. Season. Stir flour into drippings left from browning beef. Add water to make thin brown gravy. Pour over meat and cool it thoroughly. Put small mounds of filling on rounds of pastry, seal edges with milk....(follow above directions).

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Submitted 6/13/05.
Source: "Treasured Polish Recipes for Americans", Polanie Publishing Co 1981
Submitted By: Nancy Lee
Pierogi (Pierogi Angielskie)