Have found this to be most effective with crostini, or some other crispy earthen bread.


  • 2 small eggplant
  • 4 garlic cloves, peeled, slivered
  • salt and f.g. black pepper to taste
  • 2 tsp soy sauce
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 med. tomato, peel, seed, dice
  • 14 cup golden raisins
  • 14 cup toasted pine nuts
  • Chopped Italian parsley


Cut the eggplants in half lenghwise and make several deep slits in the flesh; be careful not to pierce the skin. Insert the garlic slivers into the cuts. Lightly sprinkle the cut surfaces with salt, and place the halves on a baking sheet. Bake at 350F. for one hour.

Remove eggplants, cool slightly, and invert on paper towels. As the eggplants finish cooling, squeeze them gently to eliminate any excess liquid. Scrape the eggplant flesh (and the cooked garlic) out of the skins into a small mixing bowl and mash with a fork.

Season to taste with S & P, stir in soy sauce, olive oil, chopped tomato, and raisins; cover and refrigerate overnight.

Just before serving, stir the caviar well and correct seasonings. Stir in the pine nuts and chopped parsley.

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Submitted 6/13/05.
Source: Silver Palate Cookbook-pg. 166-67
Submitted By: Chef Jack
Peasant Caviar