Half-Sour pickles Recipe


small cucumbers, sliced in quarters or even whole if small
"BALL" PICKLING SPICE...I hate using commericial products, but this sucker spice combination package is great.

1.) Pack cukes into Mason or Bell jars

2.) Add fresh dill sprigs, garlic cloves, peppercorns, crushed red peppers (ie Iialian)

3.) Boil Water, vinegar ""Ball"" spices

4.) Pour over cucumbers

5.) Seal jars with lids, (do not process for canning)

6.) Place in refrigerator and hope u can wait 2-3 weeks (we usually can't)

7.) Keep for 3-4 months...they stay crunchy and have a country flavor (so says my 8 year old)

Half-Sour pickles

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