Pesto Fondue Recipe

  Italian Appetizer

1 clove garlic, halved
1 cup Italian dry white wine
1 1/2 cups grated imported Fontina cheese
1 1/2 cups grated Swiss or Emmentaler cheese
1/2 cup grated Pecorino Romano cheese
2 to 3 tablespoons unbleached all-purpose flower
1/2 cup basic Pesto

1. Rub a fondue pot or heat-proof ceramic pot with the garlic. Pour in the wine and heat over medium-low heat until hot.

2. Toss the cheeses with the flower to coat. Add the cheese, a hand full at a time, to the wine, stirring constantly and waiting until each addition melts before adding the next. Check the consistency and add more cheese or more wine if needed.

3. Just before serving, swirl the pesto over the top of the fondue in a decorative pattern. Serve with 1-inch pieces of fried sweet Italian sausage, cubes od French bread, and cherry tomatoes for dipping.
6 to 8 portions

Pesto Fondue

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