Yorkshire Pudding Recipe

  British Bread

4 tablespoons roast beef pan drippings
2 eggs
1 cup (1/4 L) milk
1 cup (140 g) flour
3/4 teaspoon salt

Turn the oven up to 450 degrees(230 C) and pour the pan drippings into a 9x9-inch pan or an 11x7-inch pan. Put the pan in the oven to keep sizzling while you prepare the batter. Combine the eggs, milk, flour, and salt and beat until well blended. Pour batter into prepared pan and bake 25 to 30 minutes. Serve piping hot from the baking pan, a generous square with each helping of roast beef.
First cousin to the popover, this crisp, golden-brown puff is a glorious accompaniment to Roast Beef. Remove the roast from the oven 25 minutes before it is to be served. It's essential that it be cooked in the roast beef fat and drippings, which flavor it beautifully. The Yorkshire pudding will cook while the roast ""rests"" and can be brought to the table after you have carved the meat.

Yorkshire Pudding

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