Fat-Free Duck Recipe


1 whole duck
1/2 cup soy sauce
juice of two lemons
1/2 cup worcester sauce
ground pepper

Marinate duck overnight in soy sauce. Remove from sauce and with a shart knife, put tiny holes in the skin of the duck -- about 1/2 inches apart. Boil one inch of water, put duck in large pot and put duck onto a steamer (a vegetable steamer with middle removed will work), and steam duck for 30 minutes, turning every ten minutes. This step can be done up to an hour before final preparation. Preheat oven to 400'. Season duck with lemon juice, worcester sauce, and peper, and bake, uncovered, for 30 minutes, or until skin is crisp. Turn duck once during cooking.

NOTE: Most of the fat is removed during the steaming. The duck might look greyish after steaming, but don't worry. It gets very brown in the oven.

Fat-Free Duck

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