Roast Turnips Recipe

  British Vegetable

Fresh turnips

Put some vegetable oil in a baking dish (just enough to coat bottom of it) and place in a 350f oven to heat up. While it's heating up prepare turnips by either peeling or scraping them and taking either ends off. Then I like to cut them into about 3 inch lenghths and then depending on how thick they are about half to three quarters of an inch in diameter. When the veg fat is hot just put them in and bake for anything from about 1 to 2 hours. Keep turning them so they don't get stuck to the dish but they should be nice and brown on the outside when they are done. They make a great side dish and can be cooked at the same time with potatoes (I usually par-boil the potatoes first). I have also steamed them and they taste really good too. Good luck.

Roast Turnips

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