Welsh Pork

The day before we cut up the pig, I bring together all the pig's head which has been cut up with the trotters. I have ready by my side a good-sized crock and a good supply of crushed salt. Then I rub each piece well with salt and fit them as neatly as possible into the crock. I leave it like this for 2 or 3 days. I then wash all the pieces in cold water and place in a large pot, covering them with water. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for 3 to 4 hours until the meat leaves the bone. Lift all the pieces on to a large tray (a crock will do) and leave the liquor to cool. Mince all the meat in a large bowl and add to this 8 medium-sized onions, minced; 2 tablespoons dried sage and pepper. Add salt according to taste.

Remove fat from the surface of the liquor. Strain liquor into a crock and have the large pot free from all tiny bones. Then replace 4 quarts of the liquor into the large pot and add to this all the mixture from the bowl. Place over fire and simmer for about 15 minutes, turning frequently. Have ready about a dozen good-sized basins (?) and pie -dishes; fill them with the mixture. Leave till cold. When turned out it looks a lovely glossy jelly and tastes delicious with apple sauce.


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