Chateaubriand Recipe

  French Beef

1-1 1/2 lb Chateaubriand (A thick slice from the middle of the fillet)
3-4 Tbls. melted butter or oil (for basting)
salt-freshly ground black pepper
Bearnaise Sauce

Bernaise Sauce:
3 tbls. wine vinegar
6 peppercorns
1/2 bay leaf
Dash of mace
1 slice of onion
2 egg yolks
1/2 cup butter
salt and pepper
1 tsp. meat glaze
1 tsp. tarragon
1 tsp. chevil
1 tsp. chopped parsley
pinch of chopped chives or a little grated onion

Bernaise Sauce:
Put the vinegar, peppercorns, bay leaf, mace and slice of onion into a pan;boil until reduced to 1 tbls. Set aside.
Place the yolks in a small bowl with 1/2 Tbls. butter and a pinch of salt and beat until thick. Strain in vinegar, set bowl on a pan of boiling water, turn off heat and stir until beginning to thicken.
Add remaining softened butter in small pieces, beating well after each addition. Add meat glaze, herbs and chives or onion and season with pepper. Finished sauce should be the consistency of whipped cream.
Brush the Chateaubriand with melted butter or oil.sprinkle it with pepper and broil it, preferably over charcoal, for 20-25 minutes. Brush it often with melted butter or oil during cooking and turn it 2-3 times so it browns evenly on all sides. Sprinkle it lightly with salt. Serve it with Sauce Bernaise or Maitre d'hotel butter separately.
Let the meat stand in a warm place for 10 minutes before carving to let the juices 'set'. Carve in diagonal 1 inch slices, giving each person some of the brown outsides and rare inside slices.

Serves 2
Chateaubriand is always broiled or sauteed and must be cooked carefully so the outside does not burn and harden before the meat is done. Chateaubriand should always be served rare. Very nice served with Chateau potatoes, but thats another story. Enjoy...


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