Pickled fish Recipe


1 kg firm white fish
125ml sunflower oil
500ml vinegar
250ml water
3 onions, sliced
1 piece whole ginger, crushed
10 whole coriander seeds
5 bay leaves
15 ml cornflour
15 ml curry powder
10 ml turmeric
15 ml sugar
2 ml cayenne pepper
125 ml water

Cut fish into portions, dust with paprika and a bit of salt. Fry in oil until golden. Drain on kitchen paper. Place in shallow casserole dish.

Bring vinegar, water, onions, ginger, coriander and bay leaves to the boil, cook for 4 mins.

Make a paste of the remaining ingredients, add to simmering mixture, simmer for a further 3 minutes.

Pour sauce over fish, cover and leave in fridge for 2 to 3 days before serving.

This is believed to be a traditional South African dish. Hope it is what you were looking for.

Pickled fish

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